Ukrainian mineral fertilizers have seriously fallen in price

As of November 29, 2019, the cost of mineral fertilizers established by domestic chemical enterprises for agricultural producers decreased and amounted to from 350 UAH per ton to 13,700 UAH / ton, according to the Information and Analytical Portal of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ukraine.

In particular, the installed cost of ammonium nitrate (N – 34.5%) of PJSC Severodonetsk Association of AZOT amounted to 7200 UAH / ton (-3500 UAH / ton compared to the same period last year, 2018), Cherkassky PJSC “Nitrogen” – 7200 UAH / ton (-3500 UAH / ton in comparison with the same period of 2018), PJSC “Rovnoazot” – 7200 UAH / ton (-3500 UAH / ton in comparison with the same period of 2018).

The established price of urea (N-46%) by Cherkassky PJSC “Nitrogen” is 8000 UAH / ton (-3000 UAH / ton compared to the same period of 2018).

The cost of UAN (N – 32%), established by Cherkassky PJSC “Nitrogen”, amounted to 6100 UAH / ton (-2900 UAH / ton compared to the same period of 2018).

The established price of ammonia water (N – 20.5%) by Cherkassky PJSC Azot amounted to 3200 UAH / ton (-2400 UAH / ton compared to the same period of 2018), PJSC Rovnoazot – 3200 UAH / ton (-2400 UAH / ton in comparison with the same period last year), PJSC “Dneprovsky plant of mineral fertilizers” (-1050 UAH / ton in comparison with the same period of 2018).

The price of lime-ammonium nitrate (N – 22%, Ca -17%), established by PJSC “Rovnoazot” as of the above date amounted to 6100 UAH / ton.

The total cost of liquid complex fertilizers (N – 11%, P2O5 – 37%), which was established by PJSC Dnipro Mineral Fertilizers Plant, amounted to 11,500 UAH / ton (-2100 UAH / ton compared to the same period of 2018), double superphosphate (P2O5 – 48%) – 13700 UAH / ton (-2200 UAH / ton compared to the same period last year), phosphogypsum (CaSO4 – 80%) – 350 UAH / ton.